Women United Volunteering at Jubilee House

"Peace begins when the hungry are fed." - Dorothy Day

Women United is excited to assist Jubilee House with its mission on Thursday, November 9, 2023. Meals are served in a cafeteria buffet style to anyone in the community who comes to partake in the meal. Generally, 85-95 people show up for the meal, though this can vary, as it is an open-door event for anyone who needs a hot meal and a smile.

We will need 3-4 people to get to the school at 3:20 and begin cooking the meal so it's ready to be served by 4:30. If you work until 5, feel free to come after work to eat and be part of the cleanup crew at the end.

Jubilee House offers a free community meal and fellowship every Thursday night, excluding holidays. Everyone is welcome! Volunteers are encouraged to meet and eat with people in the community who need a hot meal and socialization.

For questions, please contact Carly at channey@unitedwaymc.org

Registration required: https://www.secure.unitedwaymc.org/comm/SinglePageRegEvent.jsp?EventKey…