Volunteer Opportunity: Mobile Closet Distribution in Abbotsford

mobile closet logo

The United Way of Marathon County Mobile Community Closet hits the road again! We will be participating in the Community Health and Resource Fair on February 8th.


St. Bernard Catholic Church
400 N. 2nd Ave, Abbotsford, WI 54405


Shift 1 - 11:30am-2:30pm

Shift 2 - 2:30pm-5:30pm

Volunteers are needed for two different shifts (feel free to sign up for more than one!) to help unload the truck and set up the shopping area, to assist guests with shopping, and to help pack up and load the truck when we are finished. **Bilingual volunteers are highly encouraged!! We expect a large number of shoppers to be non-native English speakers (primarily Spanish) **

Sign up for shift(s) below:

Shift 1: https://www.secure.unitedwaymc.org/comm/SinglePageRegEvent.jsp?EventKey…

Shift 2: https://www.secure.unitedwaymc.org/comm/SinglePageRegEvent.jsp?EventKey…