VRC Training


United Way of Marathon County will be conducting a Disaster Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) Training in partnership with Marathon County Emergency Management on April 18, 2023, at 5:30 pm.  

Volunteer Reception Centers are critical in managing spontaneous volunteers in an emergency/disaster response. In this training, you will learn how volunteers are processed and participate in a mock disaster exercise to practice the roles required to run a VRC. At the conclusion of the training, each participant will be asked to join the Marathon County VRC team. Each VRC volunteer will fill out an application, be screened, and be asked to attend future trainings. VRC volunteers are also asked to be available in the event of a disaster. This training is free and attendees are encouraged to pre-register at this link: https://www.unitedwaymc.org/node/606

For more information please contact United Way of Marathon County’s Director of Engagement, Carly Hanney at channey@unitedwaymc.org