Our Bold Goal: To Lift 10,000 Community Members to Financial Stability by 2033.
To achieve this mission, United Way:
Evaluates – We review data, monitor trends, and stay informed about local issues. This information helps us set priorities to guide our investments and initiatives.
Invests – We strategically invest donor dollars in programs that help us achieve our bold goals.
Convenes – We bring together people from businesses, non-profits, schools, government, and the faith community to create a greater collective impact.
Mobilizes – We recruit, promote, and support volunteers within the community.
Connects – We connect people to services and resources, through United Way’s 211.
Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed
ALICE represents individuals and households who earn just above the Federal Poverty Level but less than what it costs to make ends meet. ALICE workers often struggle to keep their own households from financial ruin while keeping our communities running.
29% of Marathon County households are ALICE households.
The city of Wausau’s ALICE percentage: 42%
66% of the overall ALICE population in Marathon County is employed
17.6% of this population is retired.
United Way of Marathon County is focused on the underlying cause and being a trusted leader to solve problems and join together with community partners to find solutions and create lasting change. The United Way of Wisconsin ALICE® reports over one-third of Wisconsinites struggle to make ends meet financially. This population has difficulty affording basic necessities like housing, food, transportation, childcare, and internet access.
Read more here: https://www.unitedforalice.org/wisconsin
Corporate Partners Collective Impact Partners Leadership Givers Volunteers
We are working all over our community every day to empower our neighbors to live better lives.
United Way focuses on youth success, family financial stability, and health, because these are the essential building blocks for a good quality of life. We raise awareness surrounding key issues that affect everyone and promote social and policy change that helps strengthen people and our community.
United Way identifies and builds on community strengths, helps individuals and groups with specific community interests find ways to contribute their time and talents, supports community change efforts, advocate public policy changes, and supports direct service programs.
United Way ignites our community to give, advocate and volunteer so that our youth succeed in school and in life, our residents are healthy, and our families are financially independent.
For information about grants and funding click here.
Website by: OneEach Technologies
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